May 7

Where is your ideal Basecamp?


For many this crisis is showing us new possibilities, new ways of working as well as giving us many new challenges.
By being forced to work from home many of us are finding the joy this brings, however many others miss the office and find working from home more than a challenge. That is why we are asking, where are you the happiest, the healthiest and the most productive?
Is your daily commute into your office a blessing in disguise and spending time with colleagues in a vibrant work environment rewarding. Or do you find that environment claustrophobic and stressful and the commute exhausting? Do you find working at home relieves those stresses and provides space to think, to come up with new ideas and extra time to do all those little chores, spend more time with friends and family. Or do you find working from home chaotic or not being able to focus, is your productivity being reduced? Or would you like something in between, a few days at home to focus on deep work and a couple of days in the office focusing on collaborative work..
Share your stories with us……..


agileoffice, healthandwellbeing, waysofworking, wellbeing, wellbeingatwork, workingfromhome, worklifebalance, workplace

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